Featured image of post Candle Making Supplies Hobby Lobby / Candle making is not really that hard, but you do have to be cautious (making candles involves high temperatures, flammable substances, and potentially our hobby lobby (little rock, ar) has some paraffin wax, a few molds,.5 oz bottles of scent and color blocks.

Candle Making Supplies Hobby Lobby / Candle making is not really that hard, but you do have to be cautious (making candles involves high temperatures, flammable substances, and potentially our hobby lobby (little rock, ar) has some paraffin wax, a few molds,.5 oz bottles of scent and color blocks.

Candle making is not really that hard, but you do have to be cautious (making candles involves high temperatures, flammable substances, and potentially our hobby lobby (little rock, ar) has some paraffin wax, a few molds,.5 oz bottles of scent and color blocks.